
Suffering and the Goodness of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Famine, sickness, terrorist attacks, natural disasters—each day horrific scenes of suffering stream before us via television, the Internet, and newspapers. Believers are taught that God is good, and they believe this truth. Yet when faced with suffering and hardships, the one question believers are most often asked is, why? Suffering and the Goodness of God brings insight to many contemporary...

(or transitory), (6) mysterious, (7) eschatological, and (8) meaningless. He defines them succinctly: The retributive solution underlies the orthodox position of the Bible. The disciplinary and revelational views are closely related and stem from the basic beliefs which underlie faith in an ethical deity. The probationary solution includes the ideas of refining and testing, often in themselves closely allied (Jer. 6:27–29; 9:6; Isa. 48:10; Zech. 13:9; Job 23:10; Ps. 66:10), and formed a part of orthodox
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